So here we go first post but definitely not the first day on the job. Lots of busy planning and organising has been going on behind the scenes and now I'm getting down to the fine art of controlling apprehensions. Thank goodness for the steady hand of friendship and a professional friendship at that. Over tepid tea and toasted teacakes my wonderful mentor reassured me that I was on the right track but I now need to consider how to lay out my exhibition. So much to mull over and straight away I began thinking along the lines of a director - the camera being the spectators eyes. How will visitors view my exhibition, what angles shall I use to stand, balance, wall hang and suspend my pieces? This has led me to reconsider how long I will need to 'create' the actual exhibition in the galleries before opening.
Money is very thin on the ground so gathering materials is still in fits and starts but the boxes are filling up slowly. I have also finalised the title of the exhibition; how I will execute the design and this will now be built and photographed over Christmas in order for the posters/flyer's/contact cards to be produced.
Finally whilst hanging out at Truro library (yes I often do this!) I came across a fantastic book on the origins of Conceptual Art Theory, Myth and Practice, sufficient to say I will be ordering this from my college library tomorrow as it will be a valuable asset regarding secondary source material for my final evaluation essay.
More news next Wednesday......