January already! And a good two weeks into it at that, so a quick update on production and plans. Last Sunday as the sun was shining I foraged at Cardinham Woods for a certain something for one of my exhibition pieces, and came out with an item larger and heavier, and certainly not the material I'd gone in search of...more revealed at a later date.
The very same day I received a phone call from a local tree surgeon who had been scouting around locally for some large natural peels of bark. With all the rain over winter the ground bark was rotten sponge and falling apart, fortunately the lovely Richard had some astoundingly large milled pieces of pine back at base. Originally drying out in storage for inspiring coffee tables I took a massive slab away and sanded it down that night.
Wednesday I lumbered the huge slice of trunk into the white building at Truro college and started work straight away....wood is endlessly inspiring.
With two other pieces finished, I'm gradually calming the storm with steady graft and trying somehow to fit in final poem drafts for Trebah Gardens - one down, one to go..a scene of natural phenomena in blank verse compared to the finished ode to a cheeky Robin - an extra post on this next week and hopefully a live slot of my good self wheedling a soldering iron...
Hello from The Old Press Gallery, we cant wait to get your work in our gallery....check out www.theoldpress.co.uk